Music Promo Evaluation Questions

 Evaluation Questions

A. Give one example of where you feel you contributed most effectively towards the successful completion of your music video. How were you able to support your teammates to produce their best work?

In the creation of our music video to the song Chances by Kaytranada, I believe we all brought contributions to many parts of the production. I believe my biggest contribution was planning and paperwork for the group. As we assigned ourselves group roles, and I was assigned producer I took it upon me to make sure that absolutely everything was done and completed in time for the shoot. This allowed us to be prepared and planned so we did not waste anytime in the limited time we had to shoot. I think if I was not there, bugging the team about the sheets then there would have been lots of problems on the shoot. I also kept an eye on lesson schedule.

B. Based on your performance in the unit, what would you say is the biggest area that you need to work on individually to develop as a media practitioner? How did this negatively impact on your work?

Personally, looking at my performance throughout the unit I would say my weakest area, that I would like to develop on as a media practitioner is when I had to use the camera. I find it challenging to create the right sense of movement with the camera and how to use the camera properly itself. This negatively impacted my work because it meant I would tend to shy away from using the camera myself to avoid getting bad footage. I need to spend more time with cameras in order to create some better footage and get my own shot ideas across a lot better.

C. Identify THREE possible targets to develop your practice. What can you do to ensure you are developing and your work is improving?

In order to improve my camera skills I need to:

1. Spend time with cameras - The more time I spend playing around with cameras, the more I will get to know all the settings and learn the ins and outs of them.

2. Experiment with camera movements - Much like point 1, if I play around with moving the camera around for shots I will loosen up my body a bit and get more experimental. This is something I am not very used to as I have normally done a lot of straight point and shoot on a tripod or very simple dolly movements.

3. Make short films, music videos and other moving image productions - By simply just spending time, creating content with myself on the camera I will be becoming more familiar with camera work.

In order to ensure I am sticking to these targets and developing. I can create a thought log to track my thought process. This will keep me motivated to make these improvements. When I complete a piece of work I can add it to a library where I can get other people to compare how my work has developed to see if my skills are actually changing for the better.


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