Job Roles for Music Promos

What are the Job roles?


A producer is a person who coordinates, manages and supervises a production. They work on building a schedule, getting funds, overseeing post production, marketing the project and much more. They work closely with the director to ensure the budget and more is correct and to what the director expected. The most simplest way to describe the role of a producer is that they do 'a little bit of everything'. 

Production Designer

A production designer is responsible for how a film looks. They are a very creative person who makes the footage look how it does on screen. They use props and costume, graphics and more to tell, time period, location, tell stories and more. They work very closely with the director to ensure that they both have the same or similar visions.


A cinematographer is responsible for the cinematography of the film. They take the idea or script and visualise how the camera would see it. They are essentially responsible for collecting the footage. They work out the angles, shots and more. They, again, work very closely with the diretor.


The director is responsible for controlling the technical crew and actors in the production of the piece of film. They are essentially responsible for all the artistic choices. They are commonly seen as 'the big boss' however, this is not true. The producers are actually higher up, the director only cares about the actual film creation side rather than some of the other important decisions which the producer has to make. This is why the director and producer work very closely with each other.

What I am doing?

Unfortunately for this project the individual role of an editor was not available as everyone is editing their own pieces, otherwise that is what I would have taken. Instead I have taken on the role of producer. I wanted to do this role as I believe I am very good at decision making, listening, teamwork and scheduling, which are vital talents to have in this role.


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